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Example of the Interactive Map
Invest a small Amount and get valid & complete Venue Information as shown on the Map Screenshots below

At the moment Easy-Gig offers
7300 Venue Contacts
in Europe & UK, USA & Canada, Latin America & Australia
Bars - Clubs - City Halls - Cultural Centres - Theatres - Stadiums - Arenas - Amphitheatres - Festivals
Easy-Gig is doing periodically updates with additional Venues & modifications of existing ones
Please note that not all Venues giving complete Information
Below you find example's of the Member-Map View.
If you get your Plan, you do have access to over 7300 detailed Venue Information (more to come)
All Categories

Category Festival

Category Small + Medium Size Venue

Here you see the Popup-box with the informations of the Venues.
When you hover with the mouse over the Venue-Icon, the Info-Box opens
clickable Link to:
Venue Facebook
alternate E-Mail if available
Directions of the Venues

Number of Venue contacts by Country
Germany 986- United Kingdom 729- Spain 463 - Switzerland 378 France 241 - Netherlands 217 - Belgium 172 - Austria 143 - Italy 157 - Denmark 122 - Sweden 168 - Finland 148 - Norway 135 - Czech Rep. 95 - Slovakia 29 - Hungary 31 - Poland 80 - Bosnia/Croatia/Montenegro/Serbia/Slovenia 57 - Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania 35 - Bulgaria 21 - Romania 27 - Portugal 26 - Luxembourg 11 - Greece 3
United States of America 2291 - Canada 332
Brazil 53 - Mexico 47 - Chile 14 - Colombia 12 - Peru 12 - Bolivia 6 - Argentina 6 - others 16 - Australia 35
Legend to Venue Categories

Small + Medium Size Venue
Bar / Club with capacity up to 600 Fans

Large Size Venue

Arena / Stadium

Club / Concert-Venue w/capacity from 601 to 2'000 Fans
with Capacity from 2'001 to 70'000 Fans
with Capacity from 500 to big Festivals
Venues with multiple Stages

Small to Arena / Stadium
Capacity from less than 250 until 2'001+ Fans
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