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Why should i use Easy-Gig ?At the moment, you have access to 7000 VALID & DETAILED VENUE CONTACTS with CLICKABLE LINKS to E-MAIL, WEBSITE, FB & DIRECTIONS of the VENUES . The venue-contact-data is shown on a interactive map what allows you to plan your tours economical. Swipe with your Mouse over the venue-icons on the map and you have all the information of each venue. There are CLICKABLE LINKS to EMAIL(s), WEBSITE, FACEBOOK and VENUE-DIRECTIONS. You see the phone number(s), responsible Person and Capacity-Info where available. You don't need to painfully surf the web anymore, getting wrong E-Mail-Information and/or Dead-Web-Links. At my Website, there is no publicity or annoying ads and you are not routed to external commercial websites; you see what you need. With Easy-Gig Interactive Map you will save a lot of quality time and money in future. GET YOUR FREE TRIAL TODAY (NO Credit Card needed for sure)
Do i have to enter my credit-card details to apply for Free Trial ?No, not at all. I also don't like to give my credit card details for "so called Free Offers". At Easy-Gig, for sure you don't have to submit your credit card info to get your Free Trial. The only thing you have to do is your subscription at Easy-Gig. (Why ? to to protect my site from bots and spam) Go to PRICE PLANS, select the FREE TRIAL PLAN and Sign Up. You ave to enter your First- and Last-Name, your E-Mail-Address, set your Password and click send. You will receive an E-Mail, click on the link in the Mail, that's it; your Map-Access is set. GO TO MEMBER-AREA, select INTERACTIVE MAP and ENJOY :-)
Why do i have to register at Easy-Gig to get my Free TrialThe Registration-Process incl. "ReCaptcha" (confirm bridges on the picture / confirm that you're a human and not a bot is simply to protect my site from bots and spam.
What do i have to do in order to present my Band on your Website ?Thanks for your interest. Every Band subscribing an Annual-Priceplan can present the band on Easy-Gig with all necessary informations. Examples you find here: It is still the beginning but growing day by day. In the first 26 days online, Easy-Gig already has close to 1000 hits on the website. Find here your Annual Access-Plan for the Interactive Map (include's Member-Area Access and also PRESENTATION OF YOUR BAND): Rock On
Are the Bands presented on your website in alphabetical order ?No, i will fill from top to bottom. The earlier you subscribe your annual priceplan, the better place you have on the site.
What do you need from my band to be presented on ?After your subscription, please send following Informations to -your Homebase -your Booking-Email -your Website-Address -Social-Media-Links: FB / Instagram / Spotify / TikTok / Twitter / LinkedIn -Press-Kit -Band-Picture -Short-Bio -Links of Performances (preferrably Live and only in good quality). Easy-Gig appreciate, if you set our Logo on your website, linked to
Are you adding more venues ?Easy-Gig is doing periodically updates with new venues and also modifications of existing-ones in order to keep the database with actual informations. Lot's of US-Venues (around 2000) are in preperation and will be added step by step after being validated. AT THE MOMENT, YOU HAVE ACCESS to 7000 DETAILED & VALID VENUE CONTACTS with CLICKABLE LINKS. Thus Easy-Gig appreciate's your feedback if you figure-out changes at venues. To submit new venues or modifications, please select CONTACT & Submit Venue in the Top-Menu, where you find respective forms: Thank you
What is the duration of my subscription ?Your subscription is valid for 1 year (12 month) and will be automatically extended for another year unless you cancel 2 weeks prior to the end-date (you will get notified by E-Mail).
Is my subscription extended automatically ?The deadline for the ordinary termination of EASY-GIG results from the time of conclusion of the contract (valid 1 year from conclusion) and must take place no later than 14 days before expiry of the contract
Easy-Gig Plans for future ?As soon as there are more Bands presented on the website, the Venues will be more involved automatically, but also from Easy-Gig-Side it is planned to involve the Venues active in order to make Easy-Gig as a platform where Artists & Venues meet.

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